The Greatest Betrayal - On The Edge Fringe Festival

The Greatest Betrayal - On The Edge Fringe Festival

The Greatest Betrayal starts beautifully. Morgan approaches the stage with a comforting energy that feels like you're kiki-ing with an old friend. She begins with an effortless charm where she goes over her first celebrity crush and using her disability as a punchline in creative ways only she can. 

Morgan has a wonderful and beautiful charm to her, but there are a few issues that hold this show back from being as good as it could. Morgan has the beautiful opportunity to show off her disability in a creative and beautiful way but sadly doesn't appear to take full advantage of it.  Her story while poignant does tend to meander and could use a touch more focus. Despite having a chair on stage with her, she never finds time to sit, and sometimes feels a touch rushed through her piece. 

I feel a director could have gone a long way to enhancing many of the great moments that Morgan shares with the audience. There's a lot here to mine and I hope that in future productions of it, she can truly shine in a fully realized production. 


  • Morgan! Excellent, warm, sweet and lovely performer
  • Great opening with a lot of humour and heart
  • Such a unique and beautiful opportunity to share their story in an interesting and exciting way


  • Lack of direction holds back the performance
  • Second part feels more confused and less clear
  • Shorter than expected
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